Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reader, update your blog. -L

Before I go all athletic on you, let's talk pink, pretty, embroidered things. I saw this gorgeous cross-stitch mural on Sublime Stitching.
Ever since, I have not been able to think about much else in terms of crafting. I've got an encyclopedia of needlework sitting on my nightstand, a ton of ideas, but I've yet to go to Michael's for supplies. I know, I need to get cracking or stitching, whatever. This mural is truly beautiful and I would very much like to try my own hand at painted cross-stitch. Perhaps on a re-styled recipe box? Or upcycled cake plate? Hmmm..

Onto boy stuff, or March Madness. The GOAT and I...wait who is the GOAT, you ask? The GOAT, is none other than my dad. For those of you unaware of what this humble acronym stands for, it is The Greatest Of All Time. Where did this name come from? He gave it to himself, when he was choosing his blackberry messenger name. Not that my brothers and I disagree with his self-proclaimed nomenclature, it's just entertaining that he came up with this label for himself.

Back to the bracket, every year, the GOAT helps me come up with a March Madness college basketball bracket. Back in the old days, the GOAT would bring home a newspaper with a blank bracket, we would choose our teams, and post the bracket on the fridge to check during the tournament. Two years ago, my friend Rosie started a March Madness tournament via facebook. The GOAT and I put one together online and he's been obsessed ever since. The man loves any kind of athletic competition online. You should see him during football season, absolutely nutty. This year, we're taking it up another notch. We're using the ESPN Tournament challenge to make our bracket this year.

For those of you unaware of how to make a bracket, it's very simple. There are only 2 steps:

Step 1: Choose Louisville as the winner of your bracket.

The great state of Kentucky is truly wonderful and Loo-ville belongs no other place than in the champion spot of the bracket. Yes, I have them winning by three points. I imagine a beautiful three point swish with two seconds left on the clock. Love that Loo-ville.

Step 2: If you don't choose Loo-ville, you may pick anyone else. Anyone else, that is, but Notre Dame.

If the GOAT and I weren't taking it to the big leagues this year, I would have chosen Akron over ND in the first round, even though the odds are very much in ND's favor. Why don't we like Notre Dame? You should be asking yourself, why do you?

And you're done! 2 easy steps.

I created this bracket pretty late in the evening, so I was unable to consult with the GOAT on my picks. We share the bracket in the sense that I do the technology work and he barrages me with text messages and e-mails informing me with the scores of games. They look a little something like this:

GOAT01: Lauren, Gonzago take St john update bracket -Pop

As you can see, there are a few problems with this text from the GOAT:

This message doesn't really need a salutation (Lauren,) nor a closing (-Pop). I think the GOAT presumes he's writing a formal letter when he texts. 
Gonzago is not a team, Gonzaga is.
You don't update an online bracket, it updates itself.

Also, note the 01 he uses after his BBM name. In case you weren't sure, he's not only the greatest of all time he's number one. I'm thinking he may be distantly related to the Mandelbaums?

All teasing aside, I love the GOAT01. His name really suits him and I feel quite lucky to consult with his greatness on these basketball matters. <3

2 days till the boutique to restock my upcycled inventory,


  1. What a great post! Notre Dame hatred and a stealth Seinfeld reference. Bravo

  2. I'm a little behind on your posts--and by a little, I mean a lot. But I'm catching up. I love this one! I miss your parents. Tell them I say hi!
