Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thrifty Thursday: A Canister Catastrophe Story

Today's trip to the thrift store was for supply purposes. With the help of Tricia Gail, my sweetdisposition counterpart Nicole, and longtime boutique professional Steph B, the three lovely ladies and I looted and pillaged the glassware section of RW&B. While I don't have an official count of all our finds, I do have a few snaps of previously owned booty.

All parts of this junket were not positive, unfortunately. I experienced a near canister catastrophe. On Wednesday, when Steph B. was scouring the boutique for all things HKO related, she ran into a set of four kitchen canisters in the thrift store.  The storage quartet asked her if they could come and live with me in Plainsboro. Being the fair lady that she is, she said she would have to ask me before she made any promises. 
Steph B. is a crafty one, in more ways than one. Instead of telling me about this lovely foursome, she waited to see if I would notice them when I went down the mish-mosh aisle. (For those of you unfamiliar with this part of RW&B, the mish-mosh aisle has everything from jewelery boxes and photo albums to giant tiki time alarm clocks and talking canisters. It's very near the tree-skirt aisle.)
As I made my way down the mish-mosh aisle, I didn't notice the adorableness or hear the importunities of the four canisters. When Steph and Tricia Gail finally pointed them out to me (After you learn of the outcome of this thrift store tale, you will see what cruel game this was to play with my emotions), I promised the canisters they would come home to the boro where they would become very good friends with Kitchen Swan.

Unfortunately, this canister story presently does not have a happy ending. After much plundering of plates, bud vases, and candlesticks took place, I made my way to the register. The canisters were very happy in my cart, looking forward to getting out of the boutique and onto a counter where they could be put to use and admired. The canisters were the first items my less than loquacious cashier rang up. For some odd reason, she put them into a bag and placed them behind her counter. (At first look, this seemed odd, on second, it was down right calculating.) I paid for my purchases and loaded them into the car. It wasn't until I unpacked the trunk that I noticed I had a catastrophe on my hands. The canisters were still behind the counter at RW&B.

I called the boutique (Yeah, I didn't think they had a working land line, either), spoke to a more chatty employee than the canister kidnapping cashier, and made arrangements to pick up the fearsome foursome tomorrow. I won't consider this crisis averted until my goods are safe and sound on my counter alongside Kitchen Swan in the 'boro. Who knows what fate will befall them this evening or tomorrow while I am work? I'm not sure I will be able to think of anything else until they are returned to rightful hands.
Snaps for you to look forward to over the weekend:
Pepper&poppy debuts a sampler of creaftions at the Shop and Swap this Saturday
Tales from the Sugar Loaf Crafts Festival
The Fate of my Kitchen Canisters

As promised per Wednesday night's post:

Organize your in-box with Previously Owned's useful and easy gmail in-box label tutorial. Previously Owned is a very  cool blog to read, it made's Blog of Note list in February. She also has some great vintage goods or etsy shop giveaways every now and again.

Recharge your soul batteries and get your craft on with Kind Over Matter, a blog devoted to Feel Good Nouns: kind acts, inspirational stories, art & projects. Be sure to check out all the crafty freebies, too.

Yay for checking things off! This is the battle hymn of a very cool website I discovered on Kendi Everyday, it's called Teux Deux . Teux Deux is a simple, designy, browser-based, FREE!, to-do list creating app and I love it.

Oh, and I found this blog two seconds ago and I cannot wait to check it out more fully: What Would A Nerd Wear? (Ask me! I can tell you!!)

March is National Craft Month, the SB Public Library, who no longer wants my head because I paid my fines, told me.  Go make something.


Listening to: Frightened Rabbit, The Winter of Mixed Drinks

I saw this idea at the conclusion of a few of Previously Owned's posts. At the bottom of each one, she tells you what she's listening to and what she's eating. I don't think my readership is all too interested in what made it onto my plate, but I will tell you what came out of my speakers.

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