I can't believe I ever thought of leaving the 'boro. Every time I ride my bike after work, I find a new park or trail that leads me somewhere neat. Like today, I found another park by the 'boro Community Gardens. The path led me to the grave of a famous cow. Yes, you read that correctly, I rode my bike by the tombstone of a celebrity heifer. You'll Do Lobelia was the "good-natured, big-eyed Jersey" cow that became the mascot for Borden Co. dairy in 1940. And now she has her very own memorial gazebo in the 'boro. Seriously, I couldn't make this stuff up. If you'd like to learn more about You'll Do Lobelia's/Elsie's story, check out the Walker Gordon Farm website.
Also, a few snaps from last weekend's adventure on the canal with Libby and Maya.
What they ate: Liberty Bell ate at least seven of Maya's Frosty Paw nuggets. I'm pretty sure she helped herself to Maya's rawhides, too. Her owner ate one of Tricia's ice cream sandwiches.
What they drank: Maya drank a lot of water. The dane refused h2o, unless it belonged to Maya. She's really a brat.
What they smelled: God only knows.
Such unusual doggies,
Oh, on a side note, I get to spend two and a half hours with my favoritest 10th grade children ever tomorrow morning. You know, the one who called me a female Ellen DeGeneres and the other whose life dream it is to work in a barber shop giving out fades or being a gym teacher, "'cause it's easy as cheese." I'm bringing them bagels in hopes of stopping up their commentary with carbohydrates.
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