Monday, May 16, 2011


When you find yourself in a situation you feel is impossible and the following questions bombard your brain:

But I have to bake three batches of cupcakes and cut out 60 wrappers for sweetdisposition?
But my apartment is a complete and utter mess?
But I volunteer myself to help with way too many projects?
But I'm a micromanager and I don't like giving anyone else responsibility?
But I have over 60 essays to grade?
But I haven't made a single lunch bunch meal that hasn't come out of a can or box in the last three months?
But males are continuing to get more and more disappointing as a species by the minute?
But I have six children and counting to tutor after school?
But I'm beginning to enjoy sitting in Panera alone on Sunday morning and cutting out coupons way too much for a 24 year old?

Just remember,

"Everything is going to be OK."

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