Thursday, December 8, 2011

Things I Love Thursday

Below is a list of things I love from my job, my closet, my fridge, and my Thursday, December 8th.

Disclaimer: Since I am blogging from bed, I must channel my baseball-story telling substitute, Mrs. Strazza, and ask you to "use the television set in your brain" because this post contains no pictures.

Beginning my day with extra big hair (c/o the ol' go-to-sleep-with-your-hair-wet trick) and a multigrain bagel (c/o Dunkin Donuts).

Listening to one of my verbose volleyball players describe my substitute, "She had long hair. She wasn't young, but she was older than you. She ran out of passes. So I had to ask a hall monitor for passes. The hall monitor thought I was going to steal them. I wouldn't do that, I take honors classes. Don't be out anymore."

Learning that one of my favorite former students kicked serious tail on his report card. His mom hung it on their fridge. (Tail kicking report card c/o Tricia Gail.)

Receiving ridiculous compliments from my students after I told them about my meet and greet with the sidewalk on Sunday: "Don't you worry, you've still got it!" or "You can't even see it with your really long bangs!"

Running to break up a fight with Moira K and discovering Tricia Gail right smack in the middle of it; taking care of business. Later I learned she tried to avoid it, but, in her words, "got sucked in kind of like a parade going by." Scrapper.

Learning and using new word mash-ups like: Breakfast for dinner=Brinner. Angry because I'm hungry=Hangry. Shauna came up with a great one that means: You're tiny and cute, but your brain functioning is similar to that of an hor douerve's. Ask her about it.

Running 8 miles with Steph B for the first time ever. I know, we're kind of a big deal. She puts the B in BEAST.

A sundried tomato, spinach, and pecorino romano omelette that was responsible for using up the eggs in my fridge before they went bad. Food guilt: avoided.

Having a WWMW (What Would Matt Wear) moment of panic. Fear not, it was resolved with nautical stripes and a Pendleton scarf.

A tail-kicking parking spot in Princeton.

Sweatpants Trousers: When you come in from a Thursdate with yourself at Panera, you're only one outfit-component change away from pajamas.

Looking forward to re-celebrating the nuptials of B&K on Saturday with some true lovelies.

Was your Thursday lovable? Tell me about it,

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