Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Teuxsday Adventures: In the 'Boro

Tutoring was brutal, today. The entire time my focus should have been devoted to cracking the ACT or dragging these kids through Steinbeck and making them smile, all I could think about was, "I want to be outside. Someone please pull the fire alarm. If I bribe these kids with whatever they want from the vending machine, will they refrain from telling their parents I cut out early?" In the words of the one of my very favoritest children, I didn't "dip"; but it was a true struggle.

After escaping the confines of the library, I knew exactly what needed to be done on this beautiful day:

After I loaded my camera with shots of powerlines, geese, flowers, fences, and more geese, I headed home. It was still pretty light out, so I figured I'd check out the path behind my apartment that the Dane beast and I walked quite frequently last summer. On said walks in the evening, we always heard these weird low, honking noises. Libby, of course, freaked out and started business barking (You don't know what that is? Pssh, cat lover.)  and the noise would stop. I figured it was some kind of frog or the swamp thing. Low and behold,  at the conclusion of today's adventure, I cracked the case of the mysterious honker:
That's right, a huge, beautiful white swan lives in the pond behind my apartment! It wasn't easy taking her photo for a few reasons:
1) It was getting dark, so the light wasn't really optimal for a photo. Also, my manual photography skills are lacking, I need to up my game a bit.
2) I interrupted her dinner, she kept sticking her head under the water to eat.
3) She doesn't like me? I did call her huge...how rude.

By the end of the summer, Backyard Swan and I will be fast friends...or she'll take out a restraining order on me.

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