1) Mish-Mosh Matroyshka: My mom and I have a real problem with Matroyshka dolls. She has more than I do, but really how many of these nesting dolls does one sane person need? I saw this little lady and her four counterparts in the Mish Mosh aisle at the boutique. My genetics kicked in and I couldn't leave without her. I think she looks quite nice next to the teapots, don't you?
2,3,4) Deskette: I have too much jewelry. I guess I forget I only have two ears and ten fingers to display these pieces when I'm shopping. Anyway, all these baubles needed a place to be kept, hence deskette.
If a miniature writer from the Victorian era ever wants to rent a room in my apartment, I'll have a really great workspace for him.
5,6) Junk for Charity: This Saturday, Steph B and I headed over to a craft fair at a local middle school. In my mind, craft fair signifies handmade crafts, not whatever you came across when you were cleaning out your garage. There were very few crafts at this event, most of the wares were...well...junk. But I love junk. I got into a heated discussion with one junk-peddler over a tea pot. Here's how it went:
Pushy Peddler: Buy this tea service, you can even have the tray. Ten dollars.
Me: I only want the tea pot. No one uses services anymore, your teacups will sell for more if you sell them individually.
Pushy Peddler: (Speechless)
Me: Three bucks.
Pishy Peddler: Four.
Me: Deal.
That's how you deal with a pushy peddler.
I also got a very pretty candy dish from a girl who was raising money for leukemia. All her profits went to charity. I thought that was pretty noble and I didn't even haggle with her. What better place to keep dark chocolate m&ms?
7) Scotch, best served warm: Saturday night Karen and Klark came over for Pad Thai. It was pretty good; although, I think that I should start writing recipes down instead of googling them on my phone. When you lose service, which happens petty often in the 'Boro, you have to make educated guesses and this can be problematic. Thankfully, the Pad Thai was successful and Klark took a picture. Two other important things I learned from K&K, you don't put scotch in the freezer and I should really read the manual that came with my camera. Thanks guys, now I know.
How was your weekend?
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