Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursdate No. 2: One-man whoop-pack, Hippo fannies, and Maggie

"I bet you two are on a Thursdate." You were correct, Ryane G, Keally and I did go on a Thursdate this evening! Here's what we worked, ate, and saw:
Worked: Triceps, Biceps, That kind of hurts-ceps
Tonight, Keally and I took a class called Group Power. You need about 700 weights to do this class so set-up and clean-up time can take awhile. Also, there is a mega fan on the ceiling, and another very loud fan in the corner that make hearing the instructor very difficult. This could be the reason for the pain, because I wasn't listening and strictly imitating whatever Keally was doing. Two interesting observations from Group Power: 

1) Remember the very enthusiastic whooper and shouter from Step? She goes to Group Power, too. Although, no one else in Group Power has caught onto her shout it from the rooftops style of working out. She was a lone whooper today, a one-man whoop-pack.

2) The choice of music at WOW needs to be reevaluated. The songs that they play in these classes are all covers done poorly. It's like Kidz Bop, for adults. I didn't care for it, I think the lone whooper was the only one who liked it.

Ate: Sushi!
Thai Basil Roll with a lemon vinaigrette
Entree: (We went to town, Group Power works up quite the appetite.)
R'ville Roll : Not sure what was in this, I definitely tasted mango and spicy tuna. So good.
Salmon Avocado Roll
California Roll
Asparagus Roll (It's refreshing!)

To compliment our sushi dinner, Keally brought along a very adorable wine called Fat Bastard. Upon the bottle, sits a very adorable hippopotamus with a large tush. After reflecting upon our dinner, I think she was trying to tell me something with her choice of wine. "Remarkable full-bodied." I get it Keally...I get it.

Dessert: Maggie Moo's Red Velvet : Kids Size 
I think the folks at Maggie Moo's are feeding the child from Honey I Shrunk the Kids 2. This portion is huge. KBP and I were also fortunate enough to observe the hijinks of Maggie Moo, the ice cream parlor's mascot. Keally and I think Maggie may have just come from Group Power, too, because she was flexing quite a bit. She was also headbutting random passerbys outside on the sidewalk and reading a newspaper upside down. Perhaps Maggie has mad cow?

Can't wait for the Thursdate No. 3, we've made plans to go dancing with Ryane G. Maybe the three of us can form our own three woman whoop-pack?


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