We've lost an hour, so to save your time and mine, here is the weekend in 10 snaps:
Snap 1,2, and 3: Saturday night marked the official debut of pepper&poppy's upcycled, vintage-glassware cake, dessert, and jewelry plates! Tricia Gail and I spent Thursday night making a ton of these creaftions. At Saturday's Shop&Swap, I sold three plates. Each plate is named after a lovely lady from literature or my own lovely little life. The three gals who found new homes were:
The Alice: This heroine was from Lewis Carroll's fairytale adventure. She went home with Steph B's grandmother. I couldn't have wished for a better home for her!
The Wendy: This caretaker of Lost Boys went home with swapmaster herself, Shauna B. It was funny because when I made Wendy, I actually thought Shauna would love her :-)
So pretty. | | | | |
"Annie Lou" the cake stand. |
The Annie Lou: Not named for a leading literary lady, The Annie Lou is named for my maternal grandmother for two reasons. 1) In one professional photograph we have of her at my parent's house, she looks stunning in a pink suit from the 40s. 2) My mom has a set of pink glassware that my grandmother won during a game of Canasta. Hence, the color pink was the inspiration for the naming of this stand. Annie Lou went home with Dr. Murphy's neighbor, she will be a Mother's Day gift.
Snap 4: Shopping and Swapping
Besides marking the debut of p&p creaftions, Saturday night was also home to Shauna B's much-anticipated shop&swap! The shop&swap is a picker/thrifter/bargain hunter's dream come true. Here's how it works:
Everyone invited is asked to bring any or all of the following:
Gently worn clothing, shoes, and accessories
Books, DVDs, etc.
An appetite for snacks, dessert, wine, fun, good conversation, and the like
Why is this so awesome? Because it's fun and free! You don't have to pay for a single thing. There are no limits as to how much you can take home. It's a truly wonderful thing. If the swap isn't for you, you can head over to Shauna's shop and buy some brand-name, health and beauty aids at incredibly low discount prices. Shauna is a coupon-maven (this terminology is put very lightly), she cuts a great deal with her inventory. I love the shop&swap. The adorable flats you see on my feet above are a swap take-home from Marisa. They are super comfy and super cute.
Now that you know how it works, have one, invite all your 70+ year old friends who have a ton of pyrex they want to get rid of, and invite me. I'll bring a u-haul.
Snap 5: Sugar Loaf Crafts Festival
Look what came home to live with me from Sugar Loaf? Literary Calligraphy from Susan Loy! I bought three pieces from Susan Loy herself. We even chatted about the scene in Hamlet where Ophelia goes off the deep end (water puns aren't really funny here, are they?) and gives Claudius, Gertrude, and Laertes flowers:
There's rosemary, that's for remembrance; pray, love, remember: and there is pansies. that's for thoughts.
A document in madness, thoughts and remembrance fitted.
There's fennel for you, and columbines: there's rue for you; and here's some for me: we may call it herb-grace o' Sundays: O you must wear your rue with a difference. There's a daisy: I would give you some violets, but they withered all when my father died: they say he made a good end,—
For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy.
Thought and affliction, passion, hell itself,
She turns to favour and to prettiness.
Also, check out how
this guy could have saved Ophelia from her watery demise. I so wish I could show this video in class.
Snap 6 and 7: Sundate with Keally
Fave Purchase: H&M Bird Scarf |
30for30 is complete and Keally and I have been granted clearance to shop. So we did, we shopped and we shopped. If you've ever considered investing in retail, H&M and Forever 21 may be stores to look into.
Snap 8: "Basil, that's for you to eat."
If only Shakespeare consulted me on that scene, tomato mozzarella basil salads would have definitely had a scene all to themselves. Ophelia's not the only one bonkers for blooms. At Shop Rite, to reward myself for remaining mentally sound amongst the many nincompoop shoppers of New Jersey and their disobedient offspring, I bought a small bouquet of yellow flowers to put in my new-to-me pink, polka-dot glass vase. Did I mention the flowers were a dollar? To the right is the basil I'm trying to keep fresh until it's been consumed. The directions told me not to refrigerate these herbs but to cover their roots with water. If anyone has any suggestions on how to keep this plant alive and fresh until I've eaten my fair share of TMBs, do tell.
Snap 9: "Look Mom, a decorated dumpster nightstand!" "Don't bring that in my house and wash your hands."
Yes, that's what wonderful looks like. New-to-me dumpster salvaged nightstand would not have looked right as a bar. As a nightstand, it's perfect. There is a place for my jewelry, glasses, books, and Wellington bookend. There's still plenty of room on the inside for treasures, too.
Snap 10: Canister Crisis Averted!
Excuse the cell phone quality snap; but, it was a last minute decision (aka I kind of forgot) to include the rescued canisters in the snaps from the weekend post. The foursome owes their livelihood to Steph B for rescuing them from the boutique on Friday. Look how happy they are with their new friends Kitchen Swan and Kitchen Hen! Kitchen Hen is new to the 'boro apt, so show her a warm welcome, dear readers. As you can see, the two birds are still getting to know one another. To be honest, Kitchen Swan is a snob, but she'll come around.
I'm going wheatless. My anatomy has made it very clear that wheat is not its friend and would like me to remove it from my diet. I protested and tried to compromise with my body; but no means no. In high school and college, I thought I was lactose intolerant. I went for allergy panels, switched to soy milk, took lactaid, you name it, I tried it. When Celiac Disease became more popular in the news (this sounds like CD had noone to sit with at lunch for awhile, or something), I did some reading and discovered gluten and I could no longer be friends. We broke up again and again and I always felt way better, but like a typical scorned female I kept crawling back. Enough is enough, gluten, I'm going wheatless, so pack your things, you've got no place in my kitchen anymore. While we're on the subject, I have an abundance of Fiber One granola bars and 100 calorie pack Chips Ahoy up for donation. Perhaps we can work out a deal if you have Pyrex circa-1970 you're willing to part with? Maybe some milk-glass?
I'm also taking a hiatus from meat for some time, as well. I was a much more creative cook in college when I tried vegetarianism. I don't really see this as a reflection of my morals, but more as a challenge to my culinary capacities. My first WM attempt will take place tomorrow with the help of the slow cooker: Meatless Wheatless Chili. Also, going wheatless is much more fun if you pronounce it like "fh-wheatless". To be less educated and more accurate than my poor attempt at phentic spelling, like Stewie from Family Guy when he says "whipped".
It was a full and lovely weekend worthy of much more than 10 snaps, here's hoping yours was, too,
Listening to: Belle&Sebastian The Life Pursuit
Eating: Nothing with gluten for a long time