This morning, I was wished a "Happy Wall-entine's Day!" from a cheery gas station attendant. Hard V's, in more ways than one, are tough, I understand. I used to get pretty pumped about this holiday of hearts when I was part of a duo. Singledom just doesn't bring the same enthusiasm St. Valentine used to get from me; but, I don't hate it. I still think it's pretty darn adorable.Whether you love it or you hate it, it's Valentine's Day. Below are some matters of the heart you won't want to miss.

Listen to It: First Love Soundtrack
One of my favorite music sites, eMusic posted an article called, "First Love Soundtrack". Read all about the songs that "broke (your favorite artists') heart(s)" or "got (them) kissed". Something Corporate: Konstantine. 9 minutes and 37 seconds of true love.

Read It: Never Offer your Heart to Someone who Eats Hearts
This is one of the juiciest love poems of all time, it's literally sopping.

Valentine's Day wasn't always a "festival of candy and cupids", it has some pretty morbid origins.

Bake It: Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies
Mmmm, I love red velvet anything, unless it's crushed and wearable, that is. Check out this super easy red velvet sandwich cookie recipe from Bakerella. (Is that a run-on?)It uses box mix! If you don't have the time to make cream-cheese icing from scratch, use the store bought kind from Duncan Hines. If you're feelin' fancy and want to pipe the frosting, add a little extra confectioner's sugar to make it more firm.

"Because, sometime what means the most isn't something, it's somewhere." Like expressing my love for Tricia through a map to Taco Bell in East Brunswick.
In today's Hungry Girl e-mail, I was informed of a free goodie from University of Kansas' A Change of Heart Campaign. This campaign was designed to increase awareness for women's risk for heart disease. There's a link for a free advocacy kit that comes "complete with a heart-shaped pedometer, healthy-living tips, and cards for sharing the message of heart health."
So whether you're smitten with the idea of Valentine's Day or less than amused, remember:
"Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold." - Zelda Fitzgerald (And her Valentine, F. Scott, was rumored to have taken her on drunken wheelbarrow rides.)
Happy Wall-entine's,
I love Taco Bell and you a whole "punch" :)