Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cupcake Baker: Lemon Cupcakes with Blueberry Pie Filling

I love to make lists. Especially to-do lists. Nothing beats the exhiliration and sense of accomplishment that accompanies crossing off an item, or "doing" something. I would be lying if I said these cupcakes were on today's list. I should probabaly mention that I while I am quite adept at making these said lists, completing them is a different story. Here is what I was supposed "to-do" on my day off from school.
Clean office (Who do I think I am calling the spare bedroom in my apartment an office?)
Clean bathrooms

What did I accomplish? I "straightened up" the second bedroom that houses an assortment of junk; however, a majority of the clutter is office supply related.
I did not touch the vacuum other than to move it out of my way.
Laundry was folded. It was not put away.
The bathroom is still very untidy.

Here is the list I should have made:

Wake up at 10 AM
Straighten up the spare bedroom so it's less embarassing
Think of outfits that will go with new Wellingtons*
Make a chicken bruschetta spinach salad for lunch
Get drinks with friends at hole in the wall golf course bar
Learn of colleague's birthday tommorow
Go to grocery store and get cupcake supplies
Bake Lemon Cupcakes with Blueberry Pie Filling
Take pictures of said cupcakes
Post these pictures on new blog who's creation took up most of day off

List complete!

Welcome to pepper&poppy.

*As I braved the black ice in the parking lot of the hole in the wall golf course bar, I learned from a friend that the appropriate term for rubber rain boots is Wellingtons or Wellies. If you use this term with an English accent, you become just as adorable as your boots.

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